Thursday, December 27, 2012

On the 10th Day of Christmas

On the 10th Day of Christmas

Giving…and Joy

These two go hand in hand in my mind so I just couldn’t separate them.

Remember my husband, (the bah-humbug guy?)   Don’t tell him I told you this, but he is the first one at Thanksgiving and Christmas to ask me if I know any people who are in need and to tell me we need to do something for them, and when he found out the neighbor lost his job his first words were write a check and take it to them.  We both like to give anonymously as much as we can.   I haven’t always been in a position to give money or things of value, but I have always believed we can give time and ourselves as much as we can.  Giving brings so much joy to a true giver.  So now you can see why I can’t separate the two.  I think that is why the Bible says “it’s better to give than receive”.  God is the ultimate giver and He understands the joy it brings to our lives.

 It is also hard for givers to receive when they are in need.  I hate to admit it, but it is a very humbling experience to be on the receiving end.  I was there once myself and I had a hard time receiving and the individual who was the giver at the time, said this to me.  “In order for me to receive the joy that God has for me, you must receive this gift I’m giving you, and in doing so, you are giving me great joy”.  This is one of the reasons I love Christmas so much, because I see so much giving and joy in people that we don’t often see throughout the year.

As I was writing this, I thought what does joy look like?  What kind of a picture would represent joy?  I thought, painting a picture of joy, is a little like describing the color blue to a blind person.   Then I thought when I look into the eyes of a happy child at Christmas time – I see what I can only describe as “pure”, unfiltered joy.  So  here you go…you be the judge.

At Christmas time and all year through, I am blessed with “joy unspeakable  and full of glory” at the wonders of God’s love and blessings.  I hope you receive great joy as you give this Christmas.

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