Thursday, December 13, 2012

4th Day of Christmas:

A Living Christmas Tree…
About 4 or 5 years ago, I had a stack of Christmas Card photos and I thought “what a shame not to do something with these”, so I decided that I would create what I now call my “living” Christmas tree.  I started making photo ornaments of all sorts of shapes, sizes and dimensions and each year I added a few more.  It is such a joy to decorate my tree each year, as I re-discover the old pictures of family members since gone and friends I now connect with only once a year when I send them a card with my chatty newsletter.
Sometimes it brings smiles and laughter as I recall the photo and what the event was and sometimes tears when I come to the ones of family members who are gone but I know that as long as I hold their memories in my heart and I see them once a year on my tree – that they are not gone or forgotten.   For  I have learned that as long as we hold them in our hearts – we hold them forever.  Last year I added some updated ones of the twin grandbabies and next year I’ll have yet another grandbaby to add to the tree.  I add a few plastic icicles and some kind of garland thingy just enough to make the tree seem full, but my main focus is the pictures.  It gives me so much joy when I look at each photo and remember as I place it on the tree. 
It is interesting how all the kids – even the big ones- go up to look at the tree and make sure their picture is on there and where it is as they always seem to end up in different places each year.  It’s kind of like an Easter egg hunt although I call it the “photo hunt”.

I hope whatever things you do at Christmas brings you much joy and wonderful blessings.
By the way, the last photo on the tree is me...when I was a teenager in my majorette uniform.  Talk about some nostalgia.

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